Sunday, March 04, 2007

2nd Round Interview

2nd Round Interview

I had my 2nd round scholarship interview 23rd feb.... again this time at SMU... It was planned to last a whole afternn..

Once at there... same thing.. an all boys session.. as the army guys go thru this interview first... the number who went there were ard 50-70... this is definitely hard competition...with so many ppl vying for the main prize... i really wonder what are my chances are in getting the scholarship....

i mean this scholarship covers practically everything... from tuition fee.. to laptop grant, to book allowance.. to overseas trip allowance.. and a whole lot of activities that the scholars will be exposed to... the network that one can achieved.... a very tempting prospect indeed...

well.... the interview was nt really interview after all.. again... SMU did it differently... instead of the formal panel interview..... this time... we were seperated into different groups... and made to do assignements within our groups....

we had to come out a product for our "client"... which can satisfy him. within my group... there are definitely different kinds of leadership shown by some of the shine within the group already is hard enough... nt to mention among 50 odd guys...

Now, i have to await for any sort of reply from them saying that Im into the 3rd round... well.. hopefully I will.. and what i heard for the 3rd round is even more tougher and stranger... for an interview to go through... to spot able scholars for the program.. heard that it will be a meeting session where all are free to roam around and chat with professors or CEOs... just crazy man...

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