Saturday, July 08, 2006

Wisdom Tooth op

Wisdom Tooth op

haha... yesterday had my first wisdom tooth operation at Alexandra Hospital. Was pretty nervous initally as i heard from friends that it was a painful ordeal to go through. But as it went out, it wasnt as bad as i thought so. The process was smooth i would say, thanks to the dentist, Doctor Hur. She keep assuring me throughout and it was done within minutes.

My fellow medic friend, Aaron also went through the same op as me on the same day too, with the same dentist. After the op, we went home.

I managed to get something to eat for myself and mum. Ate my medicine which consists of painkillers, reduce swelling, and 2 kinds of antibiotics. Went to sleep to rest.

It was pretty much the same for me today. Staying at home, resting. Was actually looking to watch the 3rd/4th placing between Germany and Portugal. But realised that channel 5 is not showing at all... Darn !!! so hope RTM will be showing. Or if not, try my luck at the 24hr macdonalds.

I have 6 days, so will be spending out of camp for quite some time. On monday, i have another appt to go for. This time is regarding my eye. Actually had a small, tini lump on my eyelid. Asked a duty MO the other day while on duty. He recommend me to get referral for it. I'll see how it goes on monday bah..

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