Saturday, July 26, 2008

My First official Blogshop

After quite a bit of planning, and help from my bro, my long awaited customisation blog was completed. It cannot go without some hiccups on the way. Though it is completed a month late as planned, i am pleased to say that I liked the result of the blog.

I decided finally to create a more decent blog in order to do my DIY business more effectively and better. I had to plan the outlook, the information, and more importantly how do i go about doing it.

I had problems with the coding, html... simply said, i suck at IT and could not created an ideal blog that i imagine of. After much sourcing and testing myself, i know i was not meant for such task. Then i asked my bro to help me out. Indeed, things got better since. I was able to get my ideal layout in no time, and problems that i could not solve myself was easily solved by my bro.

Though he isn't super zhai at it, at least he knows much more. Basically without his assist, i probably would still be stuck at nowhere lands...

now that its up, i have to think of how to market my blog out....
Now, that is what i call MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS!

Its a whole new look, clean , clear and hopefully concise and enticing enough to attact new customers and orders...

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