Sunday, July 27, 2008

Good guy, Bad guy... Within one - 27/07/08

Seen the Dark Knight on friday. seriously, i didnt even bothered to think about watching it at first. To me, Its just another Batman movie.

It was until Farhan spoke highly of the movie that got me enticed. Super high ratings! and some even said the best movie EVER! But basically, equal praise from Roger, Jasper, Aaron and co made me called JJ and TF out to see.

Anyway, what's with the good guy and bad guy thingy then?
The movie, to me emphasize a lot of human angelic and evil side within them.
Joker (the bad guy) created mayham over the city, not for money but for the "fun" where he just wanted to create chaos through the several tests of the human mind/dignity/ethics...

To put it short, what i get from this movie is... To be the good guy is tough. You must uphold your principles, behave the right way, do the right things. However, a true good, upright guy is one who can maintain and withhold his actions/thoughts even through extreme adversity.

Now, this... if relate back to life/reality... how often do we hear/see or even talk about the problems we have and face everyday. To be a little extreme, compared to what happen in the movie to what we all faces daily... it is nothing exactly... at least this is what i would try to think. And how often do we see ppl or even ourselves give in the problems and simply give up... giving up on the situation, giving up on ourselves or people ard us. Are we then the good guy or the bad?

This is prob one strange review on a movie i just did... haha...

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