Friday, April 18, 2008

Though its over... 18/04/08

Exams over... yes its over... Year 1 down... 3 more years to go...

This week had Financial Accounting, Management Science and Technology and World Change.

FA, though it was cup of tea, in the sense that i did accounting before, it was supposed to be a breeze for me. Well, during studying, it did, cos i did not need to spend a lot of time to study this subject. On test date, it turn out to be quite tough i must say... Though manageable, there's still a thought hanging whether did i do well? Did i calculate them properly... cos in the end, i didnt had time to check at all, and with that uncertainty, it will always give me a uncomfortable feeling...

MS, i expected it to be tough, well... my prof doesn't give easy, straight forward question. True, from the start to the end, everyone was on their toes all the way... haha...I had to rush answering the questions and again, No time to check... i even had to skip a part question.. Now come to good part, I remembered at the start of the term, the first lesson, i would notice prof givving us a cheeky look at us when we were all so blur at the concepts he was teaching. Now at the end, when exam has finished, that same look has appeared. He was talking to 2 other students about the qns that he set. Apparently, two of the qns, the later part of the questions were exactly the same answers as the earlier part of the qns. He said it while explaining and that expression of his appeared again... oh my... it is as if he is "laughing" inside of him that we silly students were tricked by him yet again.

Oh well, today's TWC was no better. We had a set of articles, links, information to read up first before the paper. Though the questions given were a bit expected in a way or another, the time given was just 2 hours. BAsed on the things we need to absorb and write, i had to rush through the 2 hours yet again... and again... No time to check... in fact, i wouldnt know what to check...

Anyway, now that's over, what's next... Yes.. there is a 4 month holiday ahead of me before year 2. But... there's lots of things to settle, to ponder, to do... and to think about... Hai...

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