Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm feeling the shackness already - 18/08/09

2nd day of school and im slowly feeling the shackness already... haha...

Very glad that i took this module, Training and Development.
From the 1st lesson today, Prof have already given me different insights of what i have experience beforehand. Do look forward to learn more from the class and Prof...


Training later...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sucky Game - 16/07/09

Today was first game of floorball Div 2 league.
Damn sucky performance today...

Tml first day of term
suck too!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Words - 07/08/09

Words through a person's mouth can be nice and can be hmm... not so nice...

Often, when it is spoken, is it just a casual remark or an underlying meaning to it?

Oh well... ignoring maybe the best solution afterall...

5 hours of sleep - 07/08/09

Its been a long time since i last time will be sleeping only 5 hours or less

Gosh... 12am and Im still up...
later 5am plus must get up for gym work lo...

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Back but alone... - 01/08/09

Im Back to gym to work...
1st August 7am... but guess what... Im alone here!!!